England has called me, it has been doing it for years. Since I have memory, I´ve been into the same kind of stuff. Well, they have evolved just like me, but my likes and interests have pretty much stayed all the same "area"...Goth.
Gothic culture is my life, in a healthy kind of way, I think jaja. So Victorians times, corsets, tea time, pennydreadfuls, cobblestones streets, cloudy days, accents, harpsichords, doctor who, the Brontës, Wilde, Stoker, Louis Stevenson...well you get it; I have loved this stuff even before I knew the concepts and names. Likes that obligate me to have this desier for visiting England and its corners. But...yes, there is a good but.
I know in my heart that even if only the mere essence of these things reamain in the air, it will not be the same. I don´t say this in a peyorative or negative way, but rather from a boring antrhpologist mind. What I love is lock up in a concept that we call "cultural archepelago", and I really don´t want to be that "British fetishist" kind of tourist jajaj. So I need to review my priorities.
Well, I really didn´t want to be this dense, but in my mind it´s not dense, just funny in a meta-analysis kind of way :) . Either way, with all this in consideration, England calls me. I am sorry, I cant help it, but I am really not sorry.
In summary England is a country that I would deffinitly want to visit (know it more than visit it) and what I know about it already, I think it will not be enough. There I would love to visit it so much, from the islands, the beautiful important ports, to the...I dont know all of it. Well this is a bit utopic, so in a more seriously statement, I would love visiting London deeply as a priority but then definitly expand from there.
Studyng there, sounds wonderfull, but I couldn´t study there without changing my mayor. I would need to study literature on those castles.
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